Thursday, October 30, 2014

Utility box, etc.

I finally got started on the outside utility closet.  Here is the frame.

Then the weather turned and we were supposed to get rain, but alas no rain.  I did get the shingles on before the supposed rain.  Still need to go back and add a drip edge.  This particular item will be a bit questionable when I move the house because shingles aren't generally rated for 65 mph down the freeway for hours at a stretch.  So I'll have to come up with some kind of a covering to protect them. 

The siding is on. I was determined to NOT buy another piece of siding and I had a lot of scrap pieces lying around, so I pieced the siding together.  This pic shows it half painted...

And all the way painted. 

And the painted doors. Just need to attach them.

The plumber is coming today to give me a quote for the propane. I'm very excited about that because when that is finished, I can finish the interior and the water plumbing. Getting SO close!  WAHOOOO!

Closet update...
Got the cedar put into the drawers. Just need to finish the drawer fronts now and that will be done too. 

Stairs update...
Have a brilliant idea for the stairs.  I've started on it, but not posting any pics until I make sure it will work. :)

"That's all for now Vladimir."  Name that movie...  Hint: Doris Day.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

More painting and stuff...

Two week update...
The list got shorter this week. Painted the gable ends blue. I also realized that I didn't paint the cut ends of the siding, so that happened too. I'm probably the only one who can tell, but it just looks a little more finished. Some before and afters. 



Before                                                                    After
The hinges, which used to be black, are now almost invisible...I like it much better.
The speakeasy was just looking a little out of place on a white door, so I decided to paint it white and I think it just fits better now

Started on the utility box, but wasn't too motivated about it yesterday, so now it is put away for a few days until the rain has passed.

Finished the painting on the trunk - inside and drawers.  I dyed a piece of fabric to use on the front of the drawers, but now I'm contemplating a more elaborate scheme.  Before I tell you, I need to make a decision, but I know it will be fabulous!  So, get ready for more fabulousness!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

More painting

The weather has been so nice that I figured I needed to get some painting finished before it turns cold. So not only the closet is getting a bit of paint/sealant, a few other painting projects are happening too.  Read on...

The inside of the future closet got a nice coat of the debate...paint or fabric to re-cover the inside?

The drawers are looking good too, and of course I ran out of Kilz just when I only need to finish the inside of two drawers. Of course.  Think I'll paint the drawers, but cover the fronts with fabric.  That way if I want to change the look, I can just re-cover the drawer fronts.

Next on the painting list is the storage loft.  The person who remodeled our current house left quite a bit of paint for touch ups, a 5 gallon bucket. So instead of buying more paint, I decided to use it for the storage loft.  Below, all ready for painting.

First coat, and a debate about painting the door...I was originally going to put a clear coat on the door, but I've almost decided to paint it.

Also on the painting list...a few panels on the gable ends outside are still tan and need to be blue.

The list for October includes painting, quotes for propane plumbing, and starting the utility box that will live on the trailer tongue and hold the electrical stuff.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Closet

We now return to our regular programming...

So back to the bungalow.  With the changes I made to the interior layout, I essentially eliminated much of my storage space including clothes closets.  In an effort to keep some of the fantastic furnishings around my current larger house I've decided to use a few things for which they were originally intended. This trunk for example, which was being used as a TV stand.
My mother claims it is the trunk my grandfather used when he returned to Denmark as a missionary.  Although we have a picture of my grandfather with a trunk that looks like this one, I'm not positive that this is the actual trunk.  Nevertheless, I like it and I'm going to use it as my clothes closet.  It will sit in the corner behind the front door and most likely stay open most of the time unless I have guests or want to spread out something else.  It has the original fabric covering throughout which is very worn and musty. So the plan is to remove the old fabric, spray the interior and drawers with kilz (I was happy to find it in spray form), and add new fabric.  For new fabric, I plan on using a solid color, as opposed to finding a flowery print like the old.  If I feel like getting fancy, I might do a little embroidery work on the  drawer fronts.

Here I've got the drawers stripped of fabric and patched.  Only one drawer was actually not in bad shape.  The others have needed a bit of patching and repair. 

Got the fabric out of the inside as well.