Sunday, December 29, 2013
Little things...
After the lofts were finished, I put all the lumber and the eave trim and ridge cap in the loft and have started laying out the bathroom and kitchen. I put in the electrical boxes yesterday and started drilling the holes for the wiring. Today I finished the holes for the electrical and started fixing the hurricane clips that needed to be moved down. When I originally put them up I didn't measure where the bottom of the clips ended up, so when I tried to attach the bottom half of the clip to the wall I ended up putting screws through the siding only. That wouldn't work. So I had to move the clips down about two inches to make sure I fastened them to the header 2x4. I've been putting off moving the clips because the snow around the house is crusty and hard and not a very stable platform for the ladder. But I decided to bite the bullet and see if I could accomplish the task safely. I got one side all fixed. Tomorrow I'll finish the other side and maybe run some wiring. I think I'm going to hire an electrician to hook up the breaker box and consult about the solar stuff. No pics today, not much to see.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Lofts are in!
A major event has taken place...I GRADUATED!!! And although I still wake up thinking I need to work on my paper, I can very easily (now) convince myself to go back to sleep for a little while. It has also been very cold, I know I'm a wimp, but it has actually started to warm up a little into the 20's. I also lost my warm gloves. I suspect I dropped them somewhere after walking Nellie or something, so I don't expect to find them. Guess it is time to get some new ones...sounds like a stocking stuffer coming on.
So after another long break from working on Ticklebelly Bungalow I finally made a path in the snow and got back out there. (Supposed to snow again tomorrow.) I went last week and got one more piece of plywood I needed and had them cut it to size at the store. That also meant that it would fit in the Jeep. Got it home and it was 1/4 inch too wide. Today I finally got out the saw and cut it down that 1/4 inch so it would fit. Also needed to cut the length of the other piece to fit the loft and this is what I finally have! A loft! The plywood is secured and it is ready to go!
This is my current view when lying down in the loft. Hehehe
I also have been working on the rafter vents and have the first row up. Need to cut the remainder to size and that will be an easy 20 minute job to get the rest in. On the other hand, usually that 20 minutes turns into 2 hours because of something I figured out differently or a new idea, but this one is pretty straight forward.
Up next...putting all the trim in the loft for storage and marking the layout of the walls, kitchen cabinets, and closet on the floor below. Then I can start putting in the electrical boxes where they are going to go, and pulling the wiring. I suppose I need to decide where my breaker box will be. :)
Monday, December 2, 2013
Big snow is coming! Good thing I finished the roof today!
Got started early today because I was keeping an eye on the weather. It was in the 50's today, but tomorrow it is supposed to snow, and the rest of the week the temps aren't even going to break freezing! Crazy weather! but the skiing is going to be good this year.
Today: first I took off the roof sheathing I put up before because it was crooked. I snapped some chalk lines to keep everything on the straight and narrow. I put up the lower course of sheathing on both sides so I could work from inside the house. But I was faced with a small dilemma. The plywood sheathing that I needed in order to finish the lower course was being used as a platform between the lofts. Ah, then a revelation...I had a piece left over from the subfloor that I could use. So now instead of a platform I had a footbridge, but it was enough that I could finish the roof without moving the ladder a bazillion times and going up and down, up and down. After the first row was secured, I decided to put the first row of roof paper on, again so I could work from inside the house. Can you tell I'm trying to minimize my time on top of the roof? I also need to get a taller ladder in order to get up there.
A funny experience...I was putting on one of the bigger pieces (read that heavy) of sheathing on the bottom row and holding it in place with my left hand. It was getting really heavy and I knew if I didn't get it attached pretty quick I was going to drop it. So I grabbed it with my right hand to rest my left for a minute. My left thumb wouldn't straighten, so I very quickly attached the plywood and had to actually straighten my left thumb with my right hand. Never had that happen before and it was strange because I didn't get a cramp or anything...very weird. Anyway, I was glad that I didn't have to hold up anymore plywood because that was the last piece on the bottom.
So after the bottom row and the roof paper, I started the second row, about ran out of screws and had to ration the last few. When I got to the second side I actually didn't completely attach each piece because I couldn't reach very far. So I still need to add some screws on the far side of each piece, but I was really pleased with what I got done.
Since the snow is coming I put the tarp back on and only had to use one. That is a relief! So much easier to secure one rather than two. So excited for the progress!!!
So here are some pictures of the progress today. Didn't get a pic of where we finished because I finished after dark again. The eve trim is next so I can then put on the drip edge and then the metal roof. Wahooo!
Here's where we started this morning....
Bottom row of sheathing finished on both sides....
Top row started...
Roof paper on and top row almost finished.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Back to the Bungalow...finally!
The weather has been so nice the last little while and I've been stuck inside working on my master's project final paper. My defense meeting was a success and I have changes to make, but I couldn't help myself today. Had to get out and pound a few nails. I put the siding on the tongue side which makes it actually start to look like a house from the driveway. I also put the supports in the gable end on that side and squared the rafters so I can put the sheathing on the roof on that end. I need to do the same for the other end and then I can finish up the roof. Wahooo!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
I just finished a marvelously crafted post and when I went to add pics, the post had disappeared into cyberspace! So just know this second attempt is not going to be quite as witty. Sorry.
Today I got a few pieces of sheathing on the roof. I had been puzzling about how I could wield a 4x8 piece of plywood while standing on a ladder and had come up with a couple of solutions, but wasn't pleased with any of the options I had invented. So today I decided that I was simply making it too complicated and cut the 4x8's into 4x4's. Much easier to handle and hold in place with one hand while drilling/attaching with the other. I'm feeling quite accomplished with getting the rafters finished and the bigger part of the roof on. Still have more to do, but at least when it snows tomorrow and Saturday I won't be worrying so much about leaking tarps. Can't wait for next week's warmer temps so I can paint the trim and get the roof finished properly. I still have a bit of adjusting to do. Here are some pics of my today's accomplishments.
Port side roof
Starboard side roof
Both sides of the roof
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Ridge beam and a few rafters!
Well, today was a big day! Got the ridge beam in and realized it wasn't completely straight. Simple fix to cut a few rafters so they would press it into straightness. Got a few rafters on as well after ruining one trying to make a template. I decided it was easier to measure each one and go from there. Tomorrow will also be a big day as I'm hoping to finish the rafters and maybe get a couple of roof panels on. I'm really tired of worrying about the inside of TB getting wet so a couple of roof panels will be a very welcome addition. So here are a couple of pics from today.
Ridge beam!!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Snow on the Bungalow!
I do really like snow, I was just hoping to have more of the roof finished before I had to worry about it. Of course, five hours later and now the snow is gone and the sun is shining. I have to admit that I was glad to get up at 5:30 this morning and fix the tarps (yes, there are two). OK, that's a fib. But I was glad I did because no snow got inside and only one spot was leaking slightly when I checked it a bit ago. Stayed mostly dry. Wahoo! By the next storm I will at least have the rafters up. I think we're in for another chance of rain later this week.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Gable ends and so does daylight savings
So...tomorrow it is supposed to snow. The goal has been to have the house dried in before it snows. Well, not going to make it. I did get the gable ends in today, although they aren't quite finished, just need a little more support added. Then I began measuring the ridge pole that I bought this morning. I had a feeling I should have cut it this afternoon which would have meant measuring it. It was a 16 footer not a 20 footer! I'm positive I got it from the 20' rack. But I admit it did seem a bit short when I put it in the Jeep. The Jeep is 13' and it didn't seem to stick out far enough in the back.
Anyway, the gable ends really taxed my brain and my patience, but they are now sitting on the house.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Two walls have siding!
I had originally planned to get started really early on the siding for the opposite wall, but alas not to be. Of course I got sidetracked a out the chipper and played with it for a little while, turning the pile of brush into a small bag of compostable stuff. Love my chipper, and that's only the first pile.
Anyway, didn't start the siding until after quickly stopping for nails and a drill bit, breakfast, Mom's aide, and running out to get tickets for my niece Abbie's dance concert in December, and lunch. BUT I still got four pieces of siding on and finished. Have just four inches on the end to go. My goal for Saturday...maybe the last really warm fall to finish the gable ends and get the ridge beam in so that the snow that is supposed to be here on Sunday will sheet off the tarp like it is supposed to and not soak the inside again and make me cry. I finished the siding just before it was too dark to see, so I don't have a finished pic, but I'll post one tomorrow.
One piece of siding...
Two pieces of siding...
Three pieces of siding
Thursday, October 31, 2013
One wall has siding...
After another rainy couple of days and the inside of the Bungalow getting a good dousing, I'm determined to get the roof on as soon as possible. Siding comes first, so that is what I've been working on today. I actually had the first piece started the day it wasn't supposed to rain and it did anyway. So I put everything away and now I've gotten it back out. Finished the first piece and then the whole side! Wahoo! Still need to put in the 2x3 windows, but they are replacement type windows so I can cut out the siding from the inside...goal is the roof, and it is in sight! Also still need to frame the gable ends and I've got one side started. I'm hoping to finish the siding all the way around tomorrow.
One piece of siding
Two pieces of siding
Three pieces of siding
Four and finished!!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Houston, we have WINDOWS!
After a week and a half of working on my school project, I figured I'd better get back to Ticklebelly Bungalow. I really missed working on it, but all of my assignments for school are now complete. The only thing I have left is my research and the write-up and then...GRADUATION! in December. I'm so relieved that is almost finished, especially the most frustrating part of organizing it all. WHEW!
So today I decided to switch my plan a little bit. I was going to work on the roof, but then I realized that I don't want the rafters up until my siding is on...the siding can't go on until the windows are in and the window openings need to be flashed before the windows can be installed. Got out the window flashing and went to work. I got my three big windows installed this afternoon and I'm feeling like the big box of housewrap is beginning to actually look like something other than a giant Tyvek-wrapped way-too-early Christmas present. When I purchased my windows, I accidently bought a couple of replacement windows instead of new construction. So my 3x3 windows are new construction...those are the ones I put in today. The 2x3 windows are the replacement windows, so those will go in after the siding is on. Tomorrow the plan is one more coat of paint for the siding. If I have the energy I might try to get a couple of pieces up - that is if I get going early enough.
So here is today's progress...
One window :)
Thursday, October 17, 2013
First coat of paint! Wahooooo!
The weather has been so nice today that I couldn't resist doing a bit of painting. I painted the siding this afternoon while Mom sat outside and enjoyed the lovely afternoon. Tomorrow if the weather continues as the forecast says it will, I'll do the second coat of paint.
While I was inside cleaning up, Mom decided to take a little walk. As I went back out I found her with both hands on the last panel I had just painted, so she had wet blue paint on both hands. Luckily, she hadn't wiped her hands on her pants or anything, so I only had to clean up her hands.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Promised pics and ready to start painting
Today I actually finished what I was doing before dark! I put the header on that will support the roof. I'm such a goof that in my haste yesterday to pre-drill, I pre-drilled a bunch incorrectly. So today I had to re-pre-drill a bunch of stuff. Then I found out that my only 16' board was NOT straight. In fact it was so not straight that I had to use a 12' and cut another piece to fit right. So much for having that project only take half an hour. I was hoping to get some paint on my siding today, but by the time I finished getting the housewrap on properly, I didn't have enough light left for painting. AND I feel like I'm making progress. I'm crossing things off my list and that makes me happy.
The tree in the front yard from the loft of Ticklebelly Bungalow.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Loft joists are in! Wahoo!
This weekend my friend Paul came over and helped me get to a couple of things. We finished framing all the walls and got the loft joists almost finished before the drill drivers (yes all three of them) were out of juice. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures because I put the house wrap on last week to protect it from the rain. AND I've been finishing my work on TB after dark the last couple of days. Tomorrow I will definitely take a few pics and post them. Today I got the header on three walls and started putting the housewrap on properly. Fourth header on tomorrow and finish the housewrap, that's on the list for tomorrow. If I get to it I might try to get a window in...don't want to hope for too much.
And exciting also for today I bought the exterior paint and the weather is supposed to be nice this week, so on the list for this week is get the siding painted. Get ready for painting pics!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
We have walls!...and rain :(
Today was an exciting day in the life of Ticklebelly Bungalow because the walls went up. The walls were mostly framed and I had been debating whether or not to stand them up. It is supposed to rain tomorrow and it is just easier to cover walls that are lying down than walls that are standing up. BUT ALAS after finishing the framing over the starboard wheelwell I realized that I would have to do some heavy lifting if I wanted to frame the same section on the port side. Thus the decision to right the walls. I'm still not sure it was the right decision, but it is what it is. I got the walls that are finished up and connected together and the dark clouds started rolling in. I thought to myself, it won't rain. The rain isn't supposed to come until tomorrow. So there I am standing on a ladder in the thunder, lightning, and sprinkling rain trying to get a few more screws in. When I finally decided that the tarp needed to go on right now, the wind started to pick up. That was interesting. Finally got the tarp over the top, but of course the rain wasn't coming down straight, so I tried to cover the side on which it was raining the most with another tarp only to discover that the top tarp was draining directly on the subfloor next to the porch. Aaaahhhh, what a mess. After rigging another tarp there, I gave up and figured my house was just going to get wet. I came in the house and made dinner.
I realized while fixing food that I couldn't put off house wrap any longer if I wanted my house to stay dry tomorrow if it rains again, so after dinner went and got a roll of 9' by 150' housewrap. WHAT WAS I THINKING? Nine feet? I should have gotten the three foot roll and taped it. It would have been much easier for one person working in the dark to handle. As it stands, it is a good thing that I have enough to wrap the house again, because I did a piss poor job of it. It is also good that it is recycle-able because I'll be chucking at least half of what I put on the house tonight. The roll fell and ripped, pulling holes where I had already stapled.
So, all in all today was a success. Walls went up, still have the port side over the wheel well to do and the aft wall, and now I have room to work again.
When the rain started i stopped taking pictures. So i'll post more when it stops raining and i can take the tarps off and start working again.
Monday, October 7, 2013
In denial...just a little bit
Today as I was finishing up, I realized that I am actually building my house. It seemed a bit surreal and I needed to pinch myself to make sure I was awake and really using my drill driver to build walls. I've got the walls framed except for over the wheel wells and the rear wall where the door will go. Still need to make a firm plan about the door so I can frame that side properly. All of the walls are lying flat on the trailer currently because I want to have the loft joists and the rafters all cut before I put too much upright. It is just easier to cover up in case of rain. Supposed to rain again this week on Thursday. Just debating how much I want to try to finish and if I want to try standing anything up before then...might need another tarp or a large sheet of plastic to cover it all up. I'm just feeling like if I get my rafters up, or at least some of them it would be easier to keep the rain from pooling and getting in.
No pics today, although as I was just thinking about it, the pile of walls on the trailer might make an interesting picture. I'll have to see what I can do tomorrow about that.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Where's my autumn?
While putting everything away tonight I saw that the ice I had dumped off the east side didn't melt today. It was in the shade, but I was still surprised to see it there on the ground as I put the tarp back on.
The accomplishment of the day...finished the framing of the aft wall. I even tried the window to make sure it would fit and it did! I guess all that measuring paid off.
I cut a bunch more studs and measured for the starboard and port walls. Starting the starboard wall tomorrow. I guess it is time to really decide on the size of my door, buy some exterior paint for my siding and get some housewrap. I might need it soon if the nice weather keeps up. Wahoooo!
Monday, September 30, 2013
"An ohh all about"
I realized just now that I am using a lot of exclamation points. I suppose I'm just trying to convey my level of excitement. Unfortunately, sometimes it just turns into a lot of exclamation points. Please forgive me.
Funny for phone voicemail is transcribed and sent to me as email. The transcriptions are mostly inaccurate and sometimes quite hilarious. Today was a particularly funny one. The transcription went like this: "The window you ordered is in the store and ready for pick up. Please come through the customer service desk and we will have a nice ohh all about." I'm glad their customer service agents will be as excited and feel as much awe about my 2x2 window that I bought for the front of the house as I am. Of all the windows I bought, this one was the most expensive, AND the smallest. Of course...
And today, the subfloor got finished, I did my first tap dance on it, and my first floor sweeping.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Ice, but not ice cream...
Here we are the end of September and not expecting quite such cold weather. I went out about 11:30 this morning to start working on the Bungalow and heard a strange noise as I was peeling off the tarp. I looked on the ground and found plate-sized pieces of ice lying there. Well, of course Nellie was in heaven, she loves to chew ice, so I gave her some.
I figured I had better check to make sure everything was level this morning before I began putting on the porch and found that it was not. The front of the trailer and the framing was level, but not the back part where the porch is. I figured it must be from the eco foil I had used everywhere but the porch area. So I got under the trailer and undid all the screws under the porch framing. Then I put some ecofoil under the joists in the porch area and added a couple more supports to the framing to level it back out. That, of course, took longer than I thought it would. So happy to have it done on the level though, that the time doesn't really matter. Then I attached my porch boards and the 2x6's that go on the perimeter of the house. I started laying the subfloor, but I have realized that my measurements are off somehow and my subfloor doesn't line up with the floor joists, so I'll have to spend a little time thinking about that and how I want to change it to make it line up. That is a little bit important to a squeakless floor. Anyway, I would post some pics, but my phone has been smashed due to iOS 7 being one of the biggest disappointments of all time. That's a story for another day and not a very exciting one. I would take a pic with the iPad, but those don't turn out very good. Should have a new camera this week. We'll see how that goes. All that to say I'll post pics later this week or tomorrow if I can get a good one with the iPad. Thanks for reading and keeping up with Ticklebelly Bungalow.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Insulated floor just in time for the cold!
In between the drizzle, pouring rain, and general downward mist, I was able to get the insulation into the floor and get the tarp back on before it got wet. Now the only things left for the floor are the plywood and some treated 2x6 that go around the perimeter. Then we can begin the walls! Oh my!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Floor frame finished!
I have made a discovery!! Every single day I make a list of all the things I think I can get done on Ticklebelly Bungalow and every day I only accomplish ONE! So from now on, I'm going to only plan on accomplishing one thing and anything else that gets finished is a bonus. So today I finished putting the radiant barrier/vapor barrier under the subfloor framing and the framing all connected together. Tomorrow the goal is to get the floor framing connected to the trailer, while secretly hoping to put in the insulation and get the plywood on. I have class tomorrow night and it is supposed to rain on Wednesday/Thursday so we'll see. Here's a picture of what got accomplished today. Doesn't look like much, but it is square! I'm so excited to put on my redwood porch I can hardly stand it!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Measure, measure, cut, put together! (or a whole lot of screwing going on)
So today I began the actual construction part of this loveliness called Ticklebelly Bungalow. Enough of the spending money, let's DO something. Not to mention that I submitted another "final draft" of my proposal for my committee chair to read and I was feeling like I needed a break from academia...back to that on Sunday when the weather turns stormy here. I actually started the aluminum flashing yesterday, but wanted to post a finished pic. Then on to the measuring, measuring, cutting, putting together part of the job.
So spent some time leveling the trailer and putting jack stands under it. Not much to do it was nearly level to begin with...who'd a thought my yard was actually level?
Then rolled out the flashing...rule #347 Always wear gloves when working with metal matter what. Even if you're just unrolling a little. Had to get out the superglue to glue my finger back together, but it is fine with a bandaid now...hope the bandaid doesn't stick to the superglue that could be bad.
So here is what I got finished today...with the measure, measure, cut, put together method I got the subfloor frame under the bathroom/kitchen area assembled. I'm hoping to finish the floor tomorrow. That means the frame the rest of the floor, put in the radiant barrier and the insulation and attach the actual subfloor! Then I can start framing walls! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I sometimes can't believe I'm actually doing this and I have to pinch myself to realize it is really happening.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Adventures with the jigsaw and other sordid tales
Well, I've had to make a deal with myself that for every two hours I work on my Master's project, I can work on the house for one hour. I'm afraid if I didn't make that deal, the house would get done but the project wouldn't. Anyway, I've spent many hours on the project, mainly because it has been raining like crazy the past two days, so this evening I decided to work on Ticklebelly Bungalow for a little while because the sun came out. I purchased 12' lengths of metal roofing because the sheets don't come in six foot lengths and I figured I could cut them in half and have no waste. Since I picked them up on Wednesday, the 12' sheets have been lying in the grass (in the rain) waiting for me to do something with them. So tonight I got out the jigsaw and the metal blades and began cutting. Fortunately, the learning curve was only one sheet...and I realized that I would have to do some serious vibration control. Blankets, 2x4's, and a 50lb bag of sand later I could actually cut the metal. So, I got them all cut and now they are leaning very serenely against the shed waiting for their turn to be put on the tiny house. I also got a little measuring done and I'm ready to begin the subfloor! I actually need to go get another tarp to cover the trailer and the parts I have finished, my current tarps are covering materials.
The whole sheets lying in the grass. There are actually six of them, but they fit together so well that it looks like only one. :)
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