I had such big plans today! I was all excited to get going on the metal roof so that I couold ditch the tarp, but alas it was not to be. So here is where we left off with the photos. This is the post-siding/pre-trim version of the front of the house so far.
Then the trim that no one will ever see. Funny that you can't really see how unfinished it looks. The trim needs a coat of paint. :)
Then we have the trim and the drip edge all finished. Had to go buy more drip edge this morning.
So then I needed to finish preparing the roof for the metal by securing the un attached edges of my roof sheathing and finishing up the roof paper. So I finally got up the courage to get up on the roof...sitting on the peak is not all that comfortable, btw...and got half of what I intended finished. Got the roof paper about halfway down one side and the roll was gone! Oh! the nerve of my roof paper running out just as I was making progress! SO, Mom and I went to get more roof paper...and a hamburger. By the time we got home, finished eating, and back out to the house I had lost my umph, so I moved the metal roof panels into the house and cleaned up. It is supposed to storm again for the rest of the week, so I'll leave you with this picture from the middle of the roof.
Well, except for this one...Nellie checking out the new digs.
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