I am amazed at the pressure relief of having the metal roof on. I still need to finish the porch roof, but the inside of the house will stay dry. Whew! I decided to take a hiking break and head down to Zion National Park over the weekend, thus no progress on the house until yesterday. After a weekend of hiking, eating, and relaxing I'm ready to get back at it. The weather was so beautiful the last two days that I figured I would do a little outside work, so the door finally made the top of the list. I've never built a door before and I looked at a lot of videos and how to's before deciding on my door. I'm working with 1/4" plywood and 1x6 tongue and groove here. I started by cutting my door to the approximate size of the opening. I know I'll have to do some sizing on the door, because the door opening hasn't been trimmed out yet. But step one...cutting out the dog door opening and the speakeasy opening in the plywood.
Next I cut the 1x6 to length
Here's the side that will be facing out, with only half the speakeasy hole cut.
Finished the hole for the speakeasy and it started to get dark, so I cleaned up for the day with half of the door finished. Here is the door where it is going to live eventually.
Unseasonally warm and very sunny day #2...the inside side of the door. Here I'm just fitting some of the pieces to see how far I might get today. I started attaching the 1x6's at the bottom and got almost to the speakeasy. I then ran out of two essential items...1x6's and nails. Mom didn't feel up to a trip to the store, and I was ready for dinner, so I'll stop at the store tomorrow after my walk with Nellie and pick up one more board and more nails.
Before I gave up for the day, I decided to paint the first coat on the outside of the door. So the outside will be white, but the inside will have a clear coat on it. Supposed to rain tomorrow, but I can finish up the last few pieces inside. The dog door, latch, and hinges should be here next week. So I guess I'd better get to framing the doorway! I might be having a sleep-out here pretty soon! Anybody want to join me? BYOSB (bring your own sleeping bag)
PS. Puncture wounds are no fun! My finger caught a nail point that was sticking out and it hurt more than a cardboard paper cut with lemon juice! And boy did it bleed! Felt like I was back in high school science doing the blood typing thing...only it bled more. Now, a few hours later, can hardly tell at all! It is the little things in life like pain-free mostly-healed puncture wounds that make me grateful. :)
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