Friday, March 20, 2015

Loft storage, the table, and the Laundry Pod

I've started on rebuilding the table into a folding table and it is all in pieces. Lots of sanding and imagining how I want it to look. I glued one side of the top back together.

I also started the sleeping loft storage. Lots more sanding, but I think having that little bit of storage space will be nice for things that don't get used a lot, like Christmas decorations. It will also create a flat surface for my cocoa mug. :)

The table...
I've started on rebuilding the table into a folding table and it is all in pieces. Lots of sanding and imagining how I want it to look. I glued one side of the top back together.  Now I'm putting it back together with hinges and a new piece in the middle so it can fold up.  Here it is so far.

The Laundry Pod
Tried it out with a few pieces of clothing.  Will need to adjust the amount of soap, but it seems to work well so far.  A bit of experimentation will be forthcoming.  This will live under the kitchen sink and serve as my dirty laundry basket too.    

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