Saturday, September 14, 2013

Adventures with the jigsaw and other sordid tales

Well, I've had to make a deal with myself that for every two hours I work on my Master's project, I can work on the house for one hour.  I'm afraid if I didn't make that deal, the house would get done but the project wouldn't.  Anyway, I've spent many hours on the project, mainly because it has been raining like crazy the past two days, so this evening I decided to work on Ticklebelly Bungalow for a little while because the sun came out.  I purchased 12' lengths of metal roofing because the sheets don't come in six foot lengths and I figured I could cut them in half and have no waste.  Since I picked them up on Wednesday, the 12' sheets have been lying in the grass (in the rain) waiting for me to do something with them.  So tonight I got out the jigsaw and the metal blades and began cutting.  Fortunately, the learning curve was only one sheet...and I realized that I would have to do some serious vibration control.  Blankets, 2x4's, and a 50lb bag of sand later I could actually cut the metal.  So, I got them all cut and now they are leaning very serenely against the shed waiting for their turn to be put on the tiny house.  I also got a little measuring done and I'm ready to begin the subfloor!  I actually need to go get another tarp to cover the trailer and the parts I have finished, my current tarps are covering materials.
The whole sheets lying in the grass.  There are actually six of them, but they fit together so well that it looks like only one. :)
One more down...

1 comment:

  1. Wow - can you believe that you actually built your own house? It is fun to look back and see the beginning! Its amazing!
